
I thought it might be useful to keep track of the current applications, technologies and services I’m using. As these change over the years it might be an interesting record.


Topic 2017 2018
OS Ubuntu & OSX Ubuntu & OSX
Favourite language Python Python
MVC framework Django Django
IDE Aptana PyCharm
Web browser Chrome Chrome
Dev browser Chrome & Firefox Chrome & Firefox
VCS Git Git
Repo BitBucket BitBucket
Issue tracker MantisBT MantisBT
Sprint tracking Pivotal Tracker Pivotal Tracker
To do list/notes Todoist Todoist
Phone Android Android
Marmite Hate Hate


Topic 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
OS Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu & OSX Ubuntu & OSX
Favourite language Perl Python Python Python Python Python
MVC framework CakePHP Django Django Django Django Django
IDE Komodo IDE Eclipse Aptana Aptana Aptana Aptana
Web browser Firefox Firefox Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome
Dev browser Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox
VCS SVN Git Git Git Git Git
Repo Personal hosting Personal hosting BitBucket BitBucket BitBucket BitBucket
Issue tracker MantisBT MantisBT MantisBT MantisBT MantisBT MantisBT
Sprint tracking Pivotal Tracker Pivotal Tracker Pivotal Tracker Pivotal Tracker
To do list/notes Plain text Evernote Evernote Evernote Evernote & Keep Todoist
Phone Android Android Android Android Android Android
Marmite Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate