SunUp #14-01

Welcome to the first SunUp of 2014. As you  might expect, it’s been a busy few weeks as we’ve been visiting relatives over the festive season and so I’ve not got as much done as I’d hoped. It was fun though.

I’ve decided to change the numbering of the SunUp. As this is an ongoing thing I thought it would be useful to be able to look at the SunUp number and work out what year it was from. As luck would have it the first SunUp of 2014 is number 14 so I’m going to start the year with 14-01, the next one will be 14-02 and so on. I’ll possibly go back and add a 13- prefix to the ones from last year.

So far I’ve done the following Bubblision sprint tasks:

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the score incrementing when the player bubble hit the spikes

Other tasks:

  • Marking my students’ work 😉
  • Reading more of “Level Up!”
  • Updated various websites for the New Year

I’ve a few other commitments next week, not least wanting to finish my marking, so I’m not sure how many of my Sprint tasks I’ll get done.