Archive of posts with the category 'Web'

SunUp – #18-19

This week I’ve: Oversteer Racing: completed AI pit strategy code Oversteer Racing: fixed a longstanding issue related to car numbering Oversteer Racing: added way points to the pit lane of the test track to allow AI cars to visit the pits Web: completed a web site move from one host to another and reinstated automatic backups Misc: did some configuration work to move mailboxes for the AES Read on

SunUp – #18-15

This week I’ve: Oversteer Racing: fixed the bug with the lap timing that affected split times and sometimes stated that cars were one lap further behind than they were. Oversteer Racing: the dust particles bug re-appeared but I’m pretty sure I’ve now fixed that for good. Misc: updated to MantisBT 2.13.1 Read on

SunUp – #18-06

This week I’ve:- RF1: a few minor changes following the upgrade to Django 1.11 Oversteer Racing: started work on race strategy for AI cars. Specifically, when the AI cars choose to pit. Oversteer Racing: improved the look of the game by adjusting the graphical settings within Unity. Oversteer Racing: produced a #screenshotsaturday Web: finished uploading details of the AES publications from 2017 Read on

Testing Django applications with Bitbucket Pipelines and MySQL

If you’re a Bitbucket user then you probably already know about Bitbucket Pipelines. If you’ve not heard of Bitbucket Pipelines then they are Bitbucket’s continuous delivery mechanism. They allow you to run commands, on a new commit for example, to run tests and then deploy your code to production (if you want). I’ve been using Jenkins for a while but wanted to try out Pipelines on one of my Django projects. Specifically I wanted to... Read on

SunUp #16-22

This week I’ve: Misc: Started a fairly wide review of hosted online shops Misc: Spent a lot of time reading guidance from the ICO regarding the demise of Safe Harbor Read on

SunUp #16-19

This week I’ve: RF1: Upgraded Django to 1.8.13 Oversteer Racing: Reduced the update rate of the UI Oversteer Racing: Updates to change car performance based on tyre grip Oversteer Racing: Started work on particles for smoke and dust Oversteer Racing: Initial work on car engine failures Web: Technical work to help launch the website for my wife’s company Read on

SunUp #15-17

This week I…  Released an alpha version of Bubblision (v1.1) – the main change is that it has added game functionality allowing players to skip the current player bubble colour. I think it makes the game more fun but I’m worried it’ll make it too easy. More work on the responsive redesign for the shop – almost done now! Upgraded RF1 to use Django 1.8 Began work on changes to RF1 to use the URL... Read on

SunUp #15-14

I don’t feel that the last week has been particularly productive. All I’ve done is carry on working my way through retrofitting a responsive design to the shop. It’s still not finished but I am at least making progress. Read on

SunUp #15-13

This week I started work on applying a responsive design to the AES shop. I don’t think the process is going to be easy or fun. The shop software really is pretty old fashioned in its templating and I’m having to fix some underlying problems in the software’s HTML before tackling the changes needed in my templates. Later on in the year I’ll review our use of this shop software. Read on

SunUp #15-10

I’ve not managed to do much this week but I have started work on retrofitting a responsive design to the AES site and Glossary. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while but Google’s announcement that being mobile-friendly will influence search results has prompted me in to action. Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 9 complete & SunUp #14-06

This has been a bit of a mixed up sprint as I’ve had a lot of other things to do at the same time so I’ve not been able to put in as much time as I’d have liked. Over the next few weeks I’ll launch my fantasy F1 game so that will impinge on the time available for Bubblision too. Tasks completed this sprint: Increased the speed of the restored NPC bubbles an increased... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 7 complete & SunUp #14-02

I didn’t have as much time to work on my projects as I’d hoped during this sprint. The sprint overlapped with the New Year and also me needing to mark some of my students’ assignments. As a result I probably had only half the time I usually have during a sprint and so I finished fewer tasks. Tasks completed this sprint: Fixed a bug which led to the score increasing if the player bubble burst... Read on

Shared hosting and why your backups might be useless

Part of the reason why I’ve not achieved as much as I’d hoped this week is that the web server that hosts another project I look after had a hardware failure. It’s shared hosting with Dreamhost and they attempted to recover the site from their backups. This is really frustrating for a number of reasons: Their backups are three days old and I’ve got daily backups so mine are much newer (they tell users not... Read on

Glossary – Sprint 3 complete

Sprint tasks review Created a new branch in the git repo Migrated the code Fail – confirm the existing SimpleTest test suite reports no errors Additional task – Migrated test suite to PHPUnit Tested the deployment to a fresh CakePHP 2 install Merged branch into master Moved code into production Complete Read on

Glossary – Sprint 3 start

Story By the end of this sprint we will have migrated the current application from CakePHP 1.3 to CakePHP 2.3. We will have also deployed the new codebase into production. Sprint tasks Create a new branch in the git repo Migrate the code Confirm the existing SimpleTest test suite reports no errors Test the deployment to a fresh CakePHP 2 install Merge branch into master Move code into production Expected duration One – two weeks.... Read on

Glossary – Sprint 2 complete

Sprint tasks review Work out how to extend SimpleTest to a test database with the WebTester Complete – see documentation. Create Integration Tests Created tests for Terms (public and admin functionality) Created tests for Groups (public and admin functionality) Created tests for Links (public and admin functionality) Created tests for other ancilliary models (admin functionality mainly) Complete – tests created Read on

Glossary – Sprint 2 start

Story As a developer I need to be certain that the web front-end of the application works as expected. Sprint tasks Work out how to extend SimpleTest to a test database with the WebTester Create Integration Tests (predominantly Terms, Groups, Links but also including ancillary models) Expected duration Two – three weeks. Read on

Glossary – Sprint 1 complete

Sprint tasks review Migrate existing code to a git repo Complete – Source code moved to my BitBucket account. Install SimpleTest Complete – SimpleTest installed and tested using CakePHP 1.3 core tests. Create Unit Tests (Models and Util component) Created fixtures (needed fixtures for all models) Created tests for Models Created tests for Util component Complete – tests created Read on

Glossary – Sprint 1 start

Story As a developer I need to migrate the current code base from CakePHP 1.3.15 to CakePHP 2.x. In order to do this I need to create missing unit tests as these will allow me to migrate to the new codebase and retest the migrated code. I also want the code to be under version control. Sprint tasks Migrate existing code to a git repo Install SimpleTest – the only test framework supported by CakePHP... Read on