For a few weeks I’ve been eluding to my next game project and doing a little bit of preliminary work (see: SunUp #15-27, SunUp #15-25 and SunUp #15-23) but I’ve not said much about it. Well, the time has come to provide a few more details I think…
Introducing… Oversteer Racing
Oversteer Racing will be a top-down racer for mobiles and tablets. The racing will be circuit-based with open-wheeled cars but will be entirely fictional and not based on any particular racing series (i.e. not based on F1, GP2, IndyCart etc). If you’re old enough think Super Sprint, Super Cars and Super Cars II but with the emphasis on the racing and the strategy rather than power-ups and weapons. I’d also like to include a few features that you might expect from a more serious simulation rather than a traditional top-down racing game.
I can’t say when the game will be released, afterall this is all work done in my spare time, but I will update the blog (category: Oversteer Racing) with my progress.