This has been a pretty hectic week and I’ve not got much done on Bubblision. The two tasks I’ve completed are:
- Upgraded GameAnalytics to 0.5.9
- Installed Unity Test Tools
The main reason I’ve not got much done is that I’ve been working hard on RF1. The new F1 season is rapidly approaching and it’s the second pre-season test this coming week. I hope to launch the competition after that test and there are a number of things I’ve got to do before then. So, this last week, I:
- Upgraded to Django 1.6.2 on the live site
- Started work on functionality changes for the coming season
- Started looking at component prices within the game
I’ve also carried on looking at Amazon EC2 for my off site backups. So far the setup is costing me about $0.64 (or about 38p) a day. I’m currently backing up just one of my web sites but that appears reliable, I’m encrypting any sensitive data before transfer to EC2 and the cronned tasks on the EC2 box are working correctly. I’ve also set it up to alert me by email if the box shuts down or is rebooted as I need to re-mount the encrypted EBS volume by hand if it does (so I have an encrypted EBS volume and that contains the files I back up, of which some sensitive ones, such as database dump files, are encrypted individually). I also finally managed to set things up so I get an email with the output of my cron commands.