Archive of posts with the category 'ZenCart'

SunUp #15-17

This week I…  Released an alpha version of Bubblision (v1.1) – the main change is that it has added game functionality allowing players to skip the current player bubble colour. I think it makes the game more fun but I’m worried it’ll make it too easy. More work on the responsive redesign for the shop – almost done now! Upgraded RF1 to use Django 1.8 Began work on changes to RF1 to use the URL... Read on

SunUp #15-14

I don’t feel that the last week has been particularly productive. All I’ve done is carry on working my way through retrofitting a responsive design to the shop. It’s still not finished but I am at least making progress. Read on

SunUp #15-13

This week I started work on applying a responsive design to the AES shop. I don’t think the process is going to be easy or fun. The shop software really is pretty old fashioned in its templating and I’m having to fix some underlying problems in the software’s HTML before tackling the changes needed in my templates. Later on in the year I’ll review our use of this shop software. Read on

SunUp #15-07

Another busy week but I did manage to: Upgrade the shop to ZenCart 1.5.4 Upgrade the test version of RF1 to Django 1.7.4 Upgrade the Glossary to CakePHP 2.6.1 Reconstructed info for all the blog posts I’ve not done for the last couple of months… the record is now complete 😉 Analyse some stats for Bubblision Read on

SunUp #15-04

Another busy week but I did begin working on a shop upgrade to the latest version of ZenCart (which was released on the 31st December). I don’t really enjoy upgrading ZenCart and you know you’re in for a rough time when the documentation states that its upgrade process “isn’t wrong, it’s just different”. Read on