Archive of posts with the category 'Bubblision'

SunUp #15-24

This week I… Upgraded Bubblision to be a Unity 5 project, this included: New version of EchoLogin Core Framework, GameAnalytics, UnityTestTools I had to change some code to work with the new GameAnalytics Unity SDK only to then find it won’t work with Android until later this month Fixed some display issues Fixed some new bugs to prevent code trying to destroy objects that had been destroyed I had to change the mesh renderer on power-ups as... Read on

SunUp #15-20

This week I… Created some new promotional screenshots for Bubblision Released v1.11 of Bubblision (this feature release allows players to skip a bubble by swiping) Added caching to the Mucky Creature web site Carried on working on the RF1 link changes Began work on the first Annual Return for my company Updated the blog with all the SunUps I’d missed 😉 Read on

SunUp #15-17

This week I…  Released an alpha version of Bubblision (v1.1) – the main change is that it has added game functionality allowing players to skip the current player bubble colour. I think it makes the game more fun but I’m worried it’ll make it too easy. More work on the responsive redesign for the shop – almost done now! Upgraded RF1 to use Django 1.8 Began work on changes to RF1 to use the URL... Read on

SunUp #15-08

I’m really pleased to announce that Bubblision is now available on SlideMe: Up until now Bubblision has only been on Google Play but over the next few weeks I hope to add Bubblision to some of the other app stores. I also tried to register as a seller on Samsung Galaxy Apps but their site is currently rejecting signups. Bizarrely they set somewhat draconian restrictions on passwords… 6-15 alphanumeric characters but their site currently... Read on

Bubblision – one month after launch

I can’t believe it’s a month since I released Bubblision – time flies! I’ve had some really good feedback and people seem to be enjoying it. As a month has elapsed I thought it worth sharing some of the stats so far. Item Stats Installs 23 Daily Active Users 3.43 Session length (average) 3.8 mins Session length (max) 13 mins Retention rate (day 1) 30.43% Reviews 4 Average rating 5 stars So, not setting the... Read on

Bubblision development statistics

As Bubblision has now been released I thought I’d share some of the statistics I’ve been keeping throughout the project. As I’ve been using the game to learn how to use Unity and also been working in my spare time the timescales are not indicative of how long it takes to develop this sort of game (unless you’re in a similar situation…). Duration Milestone Date Hours spent Project start 10/07/2013 – First Alpha 13/11/2014 (491... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 32 complete & SunUp #14-51

Released what I hope will be the final alpha of Bubblision before the initial release. Some tasks completed during this sprint: Fixed a number of minor bugs Updated GameAnalytics and Google Play Services Added privacy policy Updated list of play testers Created (and added) a sound for levelling up Some other things I did: Celebrated Christmas 🙂 Started work on the company website Read on

SunUp #14-50

Some tasks completed during this week: Created a draft privacy policy and updated in game links Fixed a bug with scores not being shown correctly on “level up” screen Fixed a bug causing the “Paused” label to be shown when reloading Made sure the matches required text is updated when loading a game Updated GameAnalytics to version 0.6.8 Upgraded Google Play Game Services to version 0.9.11 Added a different shader to the bubbles from CoreFramework... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 31 complete & SunUp #14-49

The main achievement for this sprint has been releasing a third alpha of Bubblision – this latest alpha introduces the new level system. Some tasks completed during this sprint: Created the level system Changes some of the particle effects Limited power-ups to only showing after level three Record the highest level a player reaches Added a “Paused” message when paused Created a pop-up screen between levels Other tasks: Added a blog post to the company... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 30 complete & SunUp #14-47

I started implementing some of the feedback from the alpha testers during this sprint. I’ve not reached the point where I can release a third alpha yet but that’s the main aim for the next sprint. Some tasks completed during this sprint: Moved the GUI for identifying the player bubble below the release point Moved the score text around to improve the look of the game screen Updated Google Play Game Services Started work on... Read on

SunUp #14-46

Some tasks completed during this week: Moved the GUI for identifying the player bubble below the release point Moved the score text around to improve the look of the game screen Updated Google Play Game Services Started work on the level system Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 30 start

Sprint stories My priorities for this sprint are to work on some of the feedback from the alpha testers:- Better GUI for accessible version to identify player bubble Show leaderboard immediately after logging in Add level system Expected duration Two weeks (ending 30/11/2014) Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 29 complete & SunUp #14-45

Had another reasonable sprint and made good progress, including releasing the first (and second) Alpha of Bubblision. Some tasks completed during this sprint: Reworked the Google Play Game Services screen Tweaked design of “Log out” button Released the first Alpha of the game to my group of testers (12/11/2014) Auto-submit scores on logging in (feedback) Design tweaks to “Play” button (feedback) Refactored the AdMob integration to fix a bug where an ad might appear on... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 27 complete & SunUp #14-41

Having had no time to work on the game last week I managed to find some time this week. I’ve also come across a couple of tricky bugs which, having solved, I’ll blog about separately (when I find the time). Some tasks completed during this sprint: Added ads from AdMob to the game Configured test ads for my devices Made some design changes to the various game screens Update: now blogged about one bug: How to:... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 26 complete & SunUp #14-39

Well, this is something of a milestone as I’ve now been working on Bubblision for over a year. It’s quite surprising that I’ve been working on this fairly simple game for that length of time but, in reality, my time-sheet shows I’ve put in a total of 150 hrs (or 12.5 hrs a month) on the game. The truth is that with so many other commitments it’s difficult to find a lot of time to... Read on

SunUp #14-38

To be honest it’s been an absolutely rubbish week and, due to a number of other things, I’ve not really felt like doing much on Bubblision. That said, I did implement a fix for the over-lapping bug and I’m hoping this solves the issue. Basically I’ve had to give up with better ways of improving how we detect collisions (this didn’t appear to be a problem anyway) and have taken a more direct approach to... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 25 complete & SunUp #14-37

Probably the biggest achievement this sprint was to show the latest build of the game at the Unity meet-up. I had to do a web-player build but the demo seemed to go ok… well, no-one laughed… so I’ll count that as a success. I got some good feedback regarding making the game more testing when only one NPC bubble is in play and some other helpful comments (including on the changes I’d made to improve... Read on

SunUp #14-36

Some of the things I did this week: Added trails to NPC bubbles at higher colour streaks Signed up to AdMob Did a Web build of the game so I could show it at the Unity Meet-up tomorrow…. eek Finished reading Theory of Fun for Game Design (3/5) Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 24 complete & SunUp #14-35

Some tasks completed during this sprint: Finished the save/load game functionality Game is saved automatically on pause and on exit When opting to play a game you now get a choice or load a saved game or start again Added a setting screen (moved sound and accessibility settings to it) Added code to improve the accessibility of the game Updated RF1 to support double points at the end of the season (also added an integration... Read on

SunUp #14-34

Some of the things I did this week: Finished the save and load game functionality Made the behaviour of the last NPC bubble a bit less erratic 😉 Added code to number the NPC bubbles as part of the changes required to improve the accessibility of the game Finished reading Jacked: The unauthorized behind-the-scenes story of Grand Theft Auto (4/5) Started reading Theory of Fun for Game Design Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 23 complete & SunUp #14-33

Some tasks completed during this sprint: Added some code to try and fix the overlapping NPC bubble bug Added sound for erratic movement of the final bubble Made a good start on adding save game functionality Finished reading Free: How today’s smartest businesses profit by giving something for nothing (4/5) Started reading Jacked: The unauthorized behind-the-scenes story of Grand Theft Auto Unfortunately I couldn’t make the Unity Meet-up this month (something came up at the... Read on

SunUp #14-32

Some of the things I did this week: Added some code to try and fix the overlapping NPC bubble bug Added sound for erratic movement of the final bubble Finished reading Free: How today’s smartest businesses profit by giving something for nothing (4/5) Started reading Jacked: The unauthorized behind-the-scenes story of Grand Theft Auto Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 23 start

Sprint stories My priorities for this sprint are:- Solve bubble overlapping bug Add a settings screen Improve accessibility Add save game functionality Write some more tests Other things:- Sign up for an ad network Expected duration Two weeks (ending 24/08/2014) Extra notes I’m hoping to demo the latest build of the game at the next Unity group meet-up and I’m also doing a “code club” on Unity at work at the end of this sprint…... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 22 complete & SunUp #14-31

Some tasks completed during this sprint: Show players the colour the next player bubble will be Investigated bubble overlapping bug Made the remaining bubble in a single bubble remaining scenario more erratic in its movement Destroy player bubble if a power-up is hit (user feedback) Read more of Free: How today’s smartest businesses profit by giving something for nothing Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 22 start

Sprint stories My priorities for this sprint are:- Show players the colour the next player bubble will be Investigate bubble overlapping bug Think about how to make the single bubble remaining scenario more entertaining Destroy player bubble if a power-up is hit (user feedback) Write some more tests Other things:- Sign up for an ad network Expected duration Two weeks (ending 10/08/2014) Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 21 complete & SunUp #14-29

Some tasks completed during this sprint: Capped the score multiplier at 16x Updated code so the multiplier is only used on colour matches Registered for a developer account on the Play Store Set up my KeyStore for signing my APKs Uploaded the current APK as an Alpha to the Play Store Read more of Free: How today’s smartest businesses profit by giving something for nothing Read on

SunUp #14-28

Some of the things I did this week: Capped the score multiplier at 16x Updated code so the multiplier is only used on colour matches Registered for a developer account on the Play Store Set up my KeyStore for signing my APKs Uploaded the current APK as an Alpha to the Play Store Read more of Free: How today’s smartest businesses profit by giving something for nothing Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 21 start

Sprint stories My priorities for this sprint are:- Cap the score multiplier Only apply multiplier on colour match Investigate showing players the colour the next player bubble will be Write some more tests Other things:- Register as a developer on the Play store Set up Alpha/Beta play test details Sign up for an ad network Expected duration Two weeks (ending 27/07/2014) Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 20 complete & SunUp #14-27

To be honest “the wind has gone out of my sails” this sprint, it’s been really hard to get going again after the staggering delays associated with getting a bank account for the business. Even though this is now sorted out the enforced hiatus means it’s been a bit difficult to find the motivation – it’s strange how external factors can rapidly demotivate you and sap your energy. Some tasks completed during this sprint: Update... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 20 start

Sprint stories My priorities for this sprint are:- Write some more tests Other things:- Company bank account – this has become pretty critical now. I’m really unimpressed that it’s taken almost a month since I applied for a business bank account and I still haven’t got one. As a result I can’t sign up for ad networks etc so this is now a priority for me Register as a developer on the Play store Sign... Read on

SunUp #14-25

Some of the things I did this week: Finally created some integration tests for Bubblision. I’ve only done two so far but it’s a start. Went along to the monthly Unity meet-up – a talk on editor extensions. Great talk and an excellent night. Did a test upgrade of the Glossary to CakePHP 2.5.2 (from 2.5.1) Prepared test fixtures for the Identifier tool prior to attempting to upgrade it from the CakePHP 1.3.x branch to... Read on

SunUp #14-23

Some of the things I did this week: Finally got the forms for the business bank account from NatWest. Having done the initial sign-up online it’s pretty frustrating to wait two working days for a phone call then three more working days for them to email you forms to print out, complete and post back to them. It’s also the first form I think I’ve ever had to complete that switches back and forth between... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 17 complete & SunUp #14-22

Some tasks completed during this sprint: Adjusted NPC bubble speed depending on the number of bubbles remaining Redesigned the end game screen Tried redesigned the playing area (still don’t like it) Updated NGUI to 3.6.1 A few other things I did: Went to a UKIE session on tax relief for games development Went to the Bristol Games Hub monthly social – excellent talk on sound and music in games Tried to set up business bank account…... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 16 complete & SunUp #14-20

A few other things have conspired to take up my free time recently so I barely accomplished anything on Bubblision during this sprint: Updated GameAnalytics to version 0.6.2 Updated EveryPlay to version Did some play testing A few other things I did: Upgraded RF1 to Django 1.6.5 Set up a company 🙂 Waiting for a letter from HMRC to register the accounting start date but the company is officially registered and I’ve had the... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 15 complete & SunUp #14-18

During this sprint I managed to finish a few things on Bubblision: Fixed the jerky motion issue – turned out the problem was my use of FixedUpdate. FixedUpdate updates the display on a fixed time interval which is all well and good except if the FixedUpdate is out of sync with the visual update on the device. If the two are out of sync then the result is jerky motion. The solution is to switch... Read on

SunUp #14-17

Things I’ve done this week (it’s been a busy one): Went to the Bristol Games Hub Unity Meet-up – really interesting talks and demos. Looking forward to more regular meet-ups. Went to the Bristol Games Hub and Full Indie UK showcase evening – some great games on show. I enjoyed the evening but left feeling a bit demoralised as the games in the showcase were all a lot better than Bubblision. I’d like to be... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 14 complete & SunUp #14-16

During this sprint I managed to start a few things on Bubblision but didn’t finish any major items: Did some play testing Read a tutorial on integrating Google’s game services and specifically AdMob Made some changes to the shaders I use to improve performance Reduced rigidbody radius of the player bubble Spent a lot of time investigating the jerky motion you can sometimes get on game start up. The issue is intermittent and better/worse at... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 14 start

Sprint stories I’m expecting this to be much more like a normal sprint and I’m hoping to get some good things done. My priorities are:- Write some tests Look at integrating Google Play Services Look at integrating ads More play testing Related to a couple of the things above will be setting up my company and also getting a business bank account. Expected duration Two weeks (ending 20/04/2014) Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 13 complete & SunUp #14-14

I think it’s fair to say that this sprint has been a bit of a disaster in terms of working on Bubblision. I was away for a week and, prior to that, had a number of other projects vying for my attention. As a result I did next to nothing on Bubblision. The few tasks I did do: Updated the Unity Test Tools plugin to the latest version Read some tutorials on Integration testing in... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 12 complete & SunUp #14-12

In the last sprint I completed: Stop new bubbles overlapping Made re-instantiated bubbles faster Stopped the ‘slow down’ power-up being shown when only one bubble remains Cleared power-ups when the last bubble has burst (i.e. end of the game) Tweaked the text colour used in the ‘end game’ screen Read the Unity documentation on testing Play testing A few other things I did: Did some analysis on link profiles and thin content (SEO) for one... Read on

SunUp #14-11

It’s been an interesting week and I’ve been working on a wide range of things: I’ve moved more of my backups to Amazon EC2 I also wrote some notes on how to set this up so it’s less of a chore next time 😉 I upgraded the Glossary so it’s now using CakePHP 2.4.6 I’ve made some minor updates to RealityF1 and done the scores for the first race of the season I’ve also done... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 11 complete & SunUp #14-10

As predicted I didn’t have much time to work on Bubblision during this sprint. I did manage to: Review some of the ad networks (I’m currently thinking of using Google’s AdMob) Work on the final game screen Add the current high score to the main game screen A few other things I did: Added a couple of new awards to Reality F1 Did some work on the Glossary as I found a bug when working... Read on

SunUp #14-09

As expected I spent all of last week working on my fantasy F1 game and launching it for the new season. I’ve had about 100 sign ups in three days which is pretty good. I hope to get a bit more done on Bubblision next week but am committed to doing a few other things on some of the evenings so time will be short. Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 11 start

Once again I’m expecting to have only limited time to work on Bubblision during this sprint as I’ll be launching my fantasy F1 game for 2014. That said I’m going to try and complete the following… Sprint stories Finish the ‘Game Over’ screen Stop restored bubbles from overlapping existing bubbles when they first appear Consider adding high scores and best colour streak to the game screen Decide on an Ad network Expected duration Two weeks... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 10 complete & SunUp #14-08

As expected, I didn’t have a huge amount of time to spend on Bubblision during this sprint. Tasks completed this sprint: Sorted out the scaling for different screen resolutions Removed the old code for adjusting camera size on the menu screens Created/improved GUIs and screens Home screen Help screen Credits screen Game screen – addition of logo and score etc Added functionality to toggle the sound on and off SunUp #14-08 Spent most of my... Read on

SunUp #14-07

This has been a pretty hectic week and I’ve not got much done on Bubblision. The two tasks I’ve completed are: Upgraded GameAnalytics to 0.5.9 Installed Unity Test Tools The main reason I’ve not got much done is that I’ve been working hard on RF1. The new F1 season is rapidly approaching and it’s the second pre-season test this coming week. I hope to launch the competition after that test and there are a number... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 10 start

I’m expecting to have to spend some time on my fantasy F1 project in the next couple of weeks so I can launch it well ahead of the coming season. This means I’ll only be able to put in a limited amount of time on Bubblision and just have a few stories to focus on (albeit important ones). Sprint stories Create the GUI for all remaining screens Sort out the correct scaling for various screen... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 9 complete & SunUp #14-06

This has been a bit of a mixed up sprint as I’ve had a lot of other things to do at the same time so I’ve not been able to put in as much time as I’d have liked. Over the next few weeks I’ll launch my fantasy F1 game so that will impinge on the time available for Bubblision too. Tasks completed this sprint: Increased the speed of the restored NPC bubbles an increased... Read on

Unity – duplicate objects

If you’re a regular reader then you might’ve noticed that I’ve been struggling to fix an annoying bug in Bubblision for a couple of sprints. Initially the bug manifested itself as a graphical glitch where the two particle systems that are used when the player bubble hits an NPC bubble were played at the same time. Collisions would occasionally produce particles of two different colours. Later on I realised that occasionally I’d also get collisions... Read on

SunUp #14-05

I got a few things done this week. Most importantly I think I’ve now resolved the annoying duplicate player bubble bug that I’ve been trying to solve for a few weeks now (further details). This week I’ve finished: Give restored NPC bubbles an increased speed Fix duplicate player bubble bug Code tidy up Investigated how to pause the game Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 9 start

Sprint stories Fix duplicate player bubble bug Give new bubbles an average speed rather than starting them at the slowest speed Add ability to pause the game Install NGUI (a library to help with the in game GUI) Create the designs and artwork for the remaining scenes Code tidy up 😉 Expected duration Two weeks (ending 09/02/2014) Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 8 complete & SunUp #14-04

After a slow start I managed to get a few things done during this sprint. I’ve still been unable to fix the duplicate player bubble issue and this will have to roll over to the next sprint. I’ve a few things left to try, including a rewrite of the code, as a lot of the other things I’ve tried haven’t worked. To date I’ve tried making the player bubble a singleton, trying to detect and... Read on

SunUp #14-03

I’ve still got a fair few things going on so I’ve not got as much done as I’d hoped… Perhaps this will be the trend for the first part of 2014 as the F1 season is just around the corner so I’ll need to start working on RF1. This week I’ve started the following tasks but not completed any: Player bubble collision with power-ups Fix duplicate player bubble bug Other tasks I’ve completed: Updated the... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 7 complete & SunUp #14-02

I didn’t have as much time to work on my projects as I’d hoped during this sprint. The sprint overlapped with the New Year and also me needing to mark some of my students’ assignments. As a result I probably had only half the time I usually have during a sprint and so I finished fewer tasks. Tasks completed this sprint: Fixed a bug which led to the score increasing if the player bubble burst... Read on

SunUp #14-01

Welcome to the first SunUp of 2014. As you  might expect, it’s been a busy few weeks as we’ve been visiting relatives over the festive season and so I’ve not got as much done as I’d hoped. It was fun though. I’ve decided to change the numbering of the SunUp. As this is an ongoing thing I thought it would be useful to be able to look at the SunUp number and work out what... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 7 start

Sprint stories Randomly show power-ups to player Detect player bubble collision with power-up Create app icon Expected duration Two weeks (ending 12/01/2014) As this is the first sprint of the New Year I might also blog about some New Year resolutions. Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 6 complete & SunUp #13

This sprint was disrupted as the last week coincided with Christmas so I didn’t get to spend as much time on the game as I’d hoped. However, I did complete a reasonable number of tasks although didn’t finish some of the big tasks associated with “power-ups”. Tasks completed this sprint: Decide on power-up types Create icons for power-ups Show score in game screen Populate remaining scenes with GUI etc Game GUI – score Store player... Read on

SunUp #12

Last week I completed the following tasks, it was a pretty good week but (as mentioned when I started this sprint) it’s likely to be cut short due to Christmas etc. Decide on power-up types Create icons for power-ups Show score in game screen Populate remaining scenes with GUI etc Game GUI – score Store player data Add points graphics Game score on final screen Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 6 start

Sprint stories Decide on power-up types Create icons for power-ups Randomly show power-ups to player Detect player bubble collision with power-up Show score in game screen Populate remaining scenes with GUI etc Expected duration Two weeks (ending 29/12/2013) Although I expect the sprint to last two weeks I think it’s fair to say that the festive period will have an impact on how much I get done. I’m hoping to get the game to a... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 5 complete & SunUp #11

Well, Sprint 5 actually went rather well, so well in fact that I completed all the tasks I’d assigned to the sprint and also a few more besides. One of the tasks I hadn’t planned to complete this sprint was implementing analytics on the game. Mobile games track a lot of data about how players use their games (whether the player realises it or not) and this guides a lot of the decisions about how... Read on

SunUp #10

The last week I completed the following tasks on Bubblision: Add sound for NPC bubble collisions Add sound for player bubble burst Add sound for NPC bubble burst Add sound for collision between player and NPC bubble Slow down NPC bubbles if colour matches colliding player Regular readers might realise that the above represents all the tasks for sprint 5… so next week I’ll be working on the next tasks in the list. Other things... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 5 start

Sprint stories Add sound for NPC bubble collisions Add sound for player bubble burst Add sound for NPC bubble burst Add sound for collision between player and NPC bubble Slow down NPC bubbles if colour matches colliding player Expected duration Two weeks (ending 15/12/2013) Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 4 complete & SunUp #9

Wow, these sprints are rattling along! It’s the end of Sprint 4 already and I completed all the stories. Towards the end of the sprint I came across a rather frustrating issue with the collisions in the game but this turned out to be something I’d overlooked and easy to fix… albeit after spending a couple of hours researching Unity’s collision detection and reviewing all my code. I’ll write a blog post about that separately... Read on

SunUp #8

The last week has been pretty busy at home but I still managed to get a reasonable amount done on Bubblision: Player bubble burst particles Player bubble burst and reinstate Instantiate NPC bubbles at run time Detect touch position based on game area and not pixel dimensions Did a test Android build and checked tap detection Other things I did: It’s the end of the F1 season so I did a number of things to... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 3 complete & SunUp #7

Well, I have to say that I didn’t think I’d complete all the tasks I’d allocated to this sprint. The tasks themselves were a bit tricky and on top of that a combination of people visiting us, the kids having colds and me having to do some unexpected work on another project meant I didn’t have much time to devote to this sprint. That said, I managed to complete the tasks and I’m pleased with... Read on

SunUp #6

For a variety of reasons I’ve not had as much time to devote to my game project as I’d hoped this week. As a result I’m a bit behind where I’d like to be in terms of the current sprint. That said, I still managed to complete a couple of tasks: The non-player bubbles now burst (albeit the particles still needing a lot of work) and are removed from the game area if they reach... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 2 complete & SunUp #5

It’s the end of Sprint 2 for Bubblision and I’ve completed all the tasks and fixed a few early bugs. One of the major tasks this time was to do the first Android build and seeing the first dev build on my phone (even though it’s not playable) was a big milestone. Set up Pivotal Tracker Adjusted game area NPC bubble collisions Background art work First Android build Stop NPC bubbles getting stuck at the... Read on

SunUp #4

Set up Pivotal Tracker for Bubblision Added all Bubblision stories to Pivotal Tracker and ordered the majority in the Back log “Nice to have” stories added to the Ice box Set release markers for first Beta version and final release Made read-only Pivotal Tracker dashboard for Bubblision publicly accessible: Default view shows the stories in the “current” sprint and the “back log” but you can access the “Done” and “Ice box” lists too The current velocity is... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 2 start

Sprint stories Set up Pivotal Tracker to keep track of all the sprints, stories, back log and ice box etc. Set collisions on NPC bubbles Configure the screen limits Create background artwork Set up video capture Upload game progress video First Android build Expected duration Two weeks (ending 04/11/2013) At the end of the first sprint I decided to reduce the sprint time from three weeks to two weeks. Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 1 complete

Sprint stories review Set up Git repo Create Unity project and configure it to use Git Create game design document/summary Basic screens/menus Movement of NPCs – currently just moving around a bounding box. The bubbles bounce off the walls but not each other Additional stories: Set up Google Docs spreadsheet and data collection form to keep track of time spent on various tasks Added a glow (light) to each of the bubbles Randomly switched bubble... Read on

SunUp #3

Went to Bristol Games Hub and SW Mobile meetup: Talk from Natalie at Press Space PR Talk from Tomas Rawlings of the Games Hub on how to be an Indie games developer Talk from 100% Indie Demo camp Completed Sprint 1 of Bubblision (tasks this week): Movement of NPC bubbles Further changes to 3D assets including adding glows (lights) Created particle system for bubble bursting Wrote a back dated post on my objectives for Bubblision... Read on

SunUp #2

My second SunUp already, I’ve no idea where that week went…. this week I: Carried on working on the sprint #1 tasks for Bubblision. I think, perhaps ambitiously, I’m ahead of schedule. Went to a meeting of the Bristol Unity Group at the Bristol Games Hub. Read a bit more of Casual Revolution Looked at improving some Apache redirects for the Glossary project. Read on

SunUp #1

I was reading a development blog the other day and one nice thing they did was post FriUps (Friday Updates). The FriUps give a quick summary of the things they’d been working on that week. I liked the idea and, as I’m working less conventional days/hours, I thought I’d do SunUps (Sunday Updates… do you see what I did there?). So, this week, I … Started the first Bubblision sprint Got to grips with Git... Read on

Bubblision – Sprint 1 start

Background Bubblision was a (very) basic Flash game I created in 2003 for our Staff Art Show. Now I’d like to create a much improved and bigger version in Unity – for deployment on Android (and hopefully iOS). The game is a small puzzle (casual) game and my plan is to use it as a manageable project for my first experience with Unity. Building on that I can then work on some of the bigger... Read on

Objectives for my first game

For my first game with Unity I want to create a mobile version of my 2003 game Bubblision. It’s basically a casual game and the objective is to prevent four coloured bubbles from bursting for as long as you can. You do this by firing another bubble into the path of one of the coloured bubbles and knocking it away from spikes. As this will be my first mobile game I don’t have particularly high... Read on