Archive of posts from August 2015

SunUp #15-33

This week I’ve been doing a lot of reading and research on car physics… and that’s about it 😉 I’ve been reading: Brian Beckman – Physics of Racing Marco Monster – Car physics for games Punyawee Srisuchat – Development of a car physics engine for games Ted Zuvich – Vehicle Dynamics for Racing Games Read on

SunUp #15-32

This week I’ve been working fairly solidly on the car control scripts for Oversteer Racing. At this stage there are three different things I want to try: Moving the car with transform.position and transform.rotation – the downside of this is that it conflicts with the physics engine in Unity. Reading around it seems that, if you want to use physics at all, then it’s best to do everything with physics in Unity. Move the car with... Read on